Online solar calculators can give a rough estimate of how much solar you need to power your home, but you may want to perform your own sizing calculations to fine-tune your choices. Here’s a step-by-step overview of the process we follow when sizing solar systems for our customers.


When sizing a solar system, follow these steps to find out exactly what will cover your energy needs. If you’d just like a quick estimate without having to work through the math, feel free to use our solar calculator instead.


Statistics show that most people consume more electricity during the summer and winter, when the A/C or heat is running. If possible, collect your last 12 months of electric bills, then tally up your kWh usage and divide by 12 to get a monthly average.


Next, divide your monthly kWh usage by 30 to estimate your average daily kWh usage.


Sunlight availability affects how much energy your solar panels generate.


From there, we need to add a bit of overhead to account for inefficiencies and degradation rate of the panels.

In addition, solar panels are tested in ideal conditions ‒- a temperature controlled lab with nothing obstructing the panels. In the real world, solar panels often fall short of these lab-tested conditions, meaning they produce a bit less power than their wattage rating.

Because of these factors, it’s wise to budget extra solar capacity so that you can reach your target production figures after accounting for the inefficiencies of the system.


Most grid-tie homeowners choose to offset 100% of their energy needs with solar. But it is also possible to start with a smaller system for partial offset, and then expand down the line as the budget allows for it.


Once you have your final array size, simply divide by the wattage of your desired solar panels to figure out how many panels you need.


A common use case is utilities that charge time-of-use (TOU) rates. Under TOU billing, electricity rates spike around 5-9PM to account for higher demand, as people come home from work/school and usage is at its daily peak.

If your utility provider charges higher TOU rates, it may be wise to install solar panels on the Western face of your roof. While South-facing panels produce more kWh of energy, West-facing panels may be more cost-effective overall because they will produce power later in the day, offsetting higher TOU rates during the peak usage period.


You can use solarurjaa calculator for calculating the energy usage and select solar systems for your home.

Read More-What is Solar Net Metering?

Read More-Why Monsoon is the Right Time to Install Solar


Agricultural applications of solar energy

The cost of implementing and managing solar energy setup has decreased due to advancements in the industry, enabling more installations across different applications in the agricultural sector. Some of them include –

Water and Space Heating

Livestock and dairy operations have specific space and water heating requirements around the year at different seasons. Since, in most cases, cattle farming is done in closed structures, the temperature and air quality are vital for operations. Solar power is used to manage this around the year.

By employing a solar-powered heating system, farmers can easily save costs incurred on electricity bills. These systems use solar panels that effectively power the temperature control systems as required.

Crop and Grain Drying

Using sunlight to dry crops and grains is one of the oldest applications of solar energy used by farmers. While this is a completely free, viable method that can easily be employed, it has a risk of exposing the crops to the wind, rodents, impurities, etc. contaminating them.

With advancements in technology today, there are solar dryers that can help in harnessing maximum solar energy and concentrating it in a closed container where trays are used to dry the produce. These systems will also help in accelerating the process and reducing the time required.

Green House Heating

Greenhouse heating is essential for the proper growth of certain crops and plants. Commercial greenhouses use sunlight for lighting and not for heating. Mostly, they depend on oil and gases for maintaining the required temperatures.

A solar greenhouse has a solar panel to collect the energy and batteries to store the energy. It also has insulation that will help in retaining heat during cold days and nights.

Remote Supply of Electricity

Solar PV systems are employed in the farms to produce the required electricity that is stored in the batteries and used when required. This not only helps in reducing the power consumption from the electricity supply but also saves money for farmers in the long run.

Solar-powered cooling systems

In many cases, farmers face huge losses due to the lack of availability of proper refrigeration and cooling systems in their farms. Even if they have a refrigeration system, it becomes very difficult to power them all day with constant power cuts and outages. Solar-powered cooling systems will help in tackling this problem.

Benefits of using solar power in the agriculture sector
  • Saves costs incurred in power and electricity in the long run
  • Continuous supply of uninterrupted power in many cases
  • Use of renewable energy sources
  • Availability of power systems locally, even in remote locations
  • Easy management of power usage.


Farmers are dependent on electricity to power their pumps and other equipment. With the increasing demand and the expensive or deal involved in producing electricity using conventional methods, it would be very difficult for both the energy sector and small-time farmers to sustain themselves in the long run.

Solar power can be an optimal option to meet this demand and generate the power at the source to run multiple applications that are dependent on electric supply from the electricity board today.

With the right implementation, a solar energy setup can be very rewarding in the long run. Renewable energy and the agriculture sector can be a winning combination that can solve many problems that we face today. It can also be a new channel that can help in improving the quality of agricultural yields, cutting overhead costs and improving the efficiency of agricultural processes.

Read More-What is a 1kw solar system? 

Read More-What is Solar Net Metering?

What is a 1kw solar system? 

1kw solar power system consists of polycrystalline or monocrystalline panels that have inverter efficiency of more than 97% and module efficiency over 17% . These panels collect clean and sufficient renewable energy from sunlight and convert the energy into electricity. They comprise several individual power cells which are composed of layers of silicon, phosphorus, and boron. Both silicon and phosphorus provide a negative charge and boron offers a positive charge. An electric current is generated as soon as the panel absorbs photons from the circuit. These electric currents then allow electrons to be knocked out of their atomic orbits and released into the electric field generated by the solar cells and pull these free electrons into a directional current.

This whole process is called the Photovoltaic Effect. You must ensure that your solar panel is situated at the place where the panels can receive the maximum amount of sunlight in order to produce sufficient energy to fulfill all your electrical needs, especially during night hours. Further, your inverter and panel batteries play a major role in the smooth and effective functioning of your solar panels, the solar array transfers direct current (DC) electricity through the controller to the battery bank and then the power is drawn from these applications to the inverter. Then the inverter converts the DC energy to alternating current (AC) that can be utilized for non-DC appliances.

What are the benefits of the 1kw solar panel? 

Here we have mentioned some prominent benefits of using these solar panels for your home or buildings

1. Reduce Power Bill

Monthly power bills and the cost of fuels can be quite overwhelming for most homeowners. With home solar panels you can reduce your electricity bills by up to 70%. This unique set of power systems is designed in such a way that it uses solar energy to produce electricity in huge amounts and with the help of the net metering system, you only have to pay for the deficit of power consumed.

2. Generate your own power 

1kw solar power units can operate even in rainy seasons. These units can absorb a sufficient amount of sunlight during rainy seasons and generate your own electricity effortlessly. For small homes, you can enjoy 24 hours electricity supply even on days when sunlight is not available.

3. Easy to install and affordable

Most 1000 watts solar panels price in india are available at a reasonable and affordable range. Along with that, install these panels as they have no moving parts so you need not worry about your roof getting damaged during the installation process. They can last for decades and don’t require much maintenance.

What are the components of a solar system? 

A 1kw home solar powers unit consists of the following components

Solar panel- It is one of the most major components of your system. This part of the unit is used in absorbing sun rays as the source of energy for generating electricity. Solar panels are generally made of metals resistant to moisture and rust.

Solar Inverter- This part of the solar unit is also known as a PV inverter. It is used in converting the variable direct current (DC) into a utility frequency altering current. This current can be fed into a commercial electrical grid or used by the locals for an off-grid electricity supply.

Solar Battery– Solar battery banks play an important part in converting solar radiation into electricity. If your battery bank gets outdated or damaged then it can affect the function of other solar parts as well.

Mounting structure and accessories- Mounting structure is a supporting structure that holds your solar panels or arrays to the ground. Accessories such as brackets, tools, mounts, and other items complete a solar system set up in your home.

Read More-What is Solar Net Metering?

Read More-Why Monsoon is the Right Time to Install Solar

What is Net Metering?

Net metering is a billing arrangement that allows solar system owners to connect their photovoltaic (PV) systems to the electric grid. Under this arrangement, any excess electricity generated by the solar system is fed back into the grid, and the owner receives credits for the surplus energy. These credits can then be used to offset the energy consumed by the grid when the solar system is not producing sufficient electricity, such as during nighttime or cloudy days.

Benefits of Net Metering Solar

Here are 4 important benefits of net metering solar:

• Renewable Energy Promotion

Net metering encourages the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources, particularly solar power. By incentivizing individuals and businesses to install solar panels, net metering helps increase the overall share of clean energy in the electricity grid. This promotes sustainability, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigates climate change.

• Grid Support and Stability

Solar systems connected through net meter contribute to the stability and reliability of the electricity grid. During times of high solar energy production, excess electricity is fed back into the grid, reducing the strain on traditional power plants. This distributed generation approach helps to meet energy demands and minimizes the need for costly grid infrastructure upgrades.

• Financial Savings

Net metering allows solar system owners to offset their electricity bills by generating excess energy and feeding it back into the grid. By receiving credits for the surplus electricity produced, they can significantly reduce their overall energy costs. This can lead to substantial savings on monthly utility bills, making solar power a financially viable investment.

• Local Job Creation and Economic Growth

The adoption of net metering and solar power systems stimulates local job creation and economic growth. The installation, maintenance, and monitoring of solar systems require skilled professionals, fostering employment opportunities within the renewable energy sector. Furthermore, the growth of the solar industry can attract investments, drive innovation, and contribute to a sustainable economy.

How does net metering work?

Say you’ve installed a solar panel system and you live in an area with a net metering program. When your photovoltaic system produces more electricity than you’re using at any point during the day, the electricity is sent back to the grid, running your electric meter in reverse.

When your energy use is higher than your solar panel production, either at night or on cloudy days, you’ll pull electricity back from the grid, running your meter forward. At the end of the month or year, you’ll be billed the net amount of what you send to the grid and what you pull from the grid: hence “net metering”.

With a correctly sized solar energy system, you can produce enough electricity to match your home’s electricity use for the entire year. However, the amount of electricity your solar panels produce will vary throughout the year––more in sunnier summer months and less when the sun is lower in the sky and sets earlier in the winter. Net metering helps you to account for these seasonal differences in solar production by crediting you for the excess electricity your panels produce so that you can use it at a later date.

Read More-Why Monsoon is the Right Time to Install Solar

Read More-Differences Between On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar System

Reasons Why Monsoon is the Right Time to Install Solar

It might sound surprising, but there are many reasons why installing solar during monsoon season can be a smart move. Let us discuss Why Monsoon is the Right Time to Install Solar systems.

Monsoons Slow Down Power Generation, But Don’t Stop

Some people believe in the myth that solar panels do not work during rain. While it’s true that heavy rain can reduce power generation, it doesn’t stop it completely. Being able to absorb light instead of heat explains why it still generates electricity, even on cloudy or rainy days.

In addition, they will generate enough electricity in the summer to compensate for any lost time during the rainy season. In other words, that is an all-weather investment in solar energy.

Solar Panels Are Built to Handle rain

You may be afraid of rain effects on your panels. The good news is that they come with their built-in water resistance feature. To say that this makes them watertight is true and should make you worry less about these panels themselves.

However, you must monitor its mounting structure, which is made of rust-proof materials such as zinc-coated and galvanized steel and may be aluminum. These materials withstand elements, keeping your panels intact and free from rusting.

Test the durability of your system

Monsoon winds can be strong, and you may consider postponing until the wet season is over. But if you install your solar rooftop system now, you can see its strength and durability.

Strong mounting structures will resist high winds, thus keeping your system intact.

Rainfall Based Natural Cleaning

One thing about installing your solar panels during the rainy season could be clearer: rain naturally cleans these surfaces. Dust and dirt can clog up your solar panels, making them less effective, but this will be washed away by rainwater.

In other words, maintenance requires minimal effort for a more efficient panel. As such, it becomes possible to keep cleaning their panels without much ado since they always remain clean enough without too much infestation by fungal or algae spores thanks to reliable firms that offer after-sales services like ours for solar panel installations and repairs where you can ensure your panels are always in top condition.

The Installation Timeline

It may take around 15 to 20 days of work for local DISCOM confirmation. You could purchase everything you need for the installation, such as solar panels and inverters, during this time. It is also possible to plan your installation during gaps in the rain.

Once installed, your system will be ready to generate power, rain & shine. The entire process of technical approval, installation and meter change takes about the same time, regardless of the season.


As the world moves towards sustainable energy sources, solar power usage is increasing. Monsoons are an excellent time to make the switch to solar energy.

The rains help keep your solar panels clean, ensuring optimal performance without the need for manual cleaning. Additionally, installing solar panels during the monsoon season allows you to take advantage of current prices, which are likely to increase over time.

Read More-Differences Between On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar System


The Differences Between On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar System

What Is An On-Grid Solar System?

The on-grid solar system, often referred to as a grid-tied system, has the capability to generate surplus electricity, catering not only to residential needs but also extending its utility to the commercial and industrial sectors.

A fundamental prerequisite for the installation of this system is the existence of a functional electrical grid. During daylight hours, any excess electricity generated by the solar panels that surpasses immediate consumption is seamlessly fed back into the grid.

Conversely, during night hours or periods of insufficient solar generation, electricity is drawn from the grid to meet the demand. An advantageous feature of this setup is its adaptability; it ensures uninterrupted power supply for the property, regardless of solar energy production fluctuations.

One key distinction of this system is that it does not necessitate the inclusion of an energy storage battery, as the grid itself effectively serves as the energy reservoir, enhancing its cost-effectiveness and ease of maintenance with the help of energy storage solutions.

What Is An Off Grid Solar System?

The off-grid solar system operates autonomously, obviating the need for any grid connection. Nonetheless, the effective functioning of this system mandates the inclusion of a battery backup to accumulate the solar energy generated during daylight hours.

The key components of the off-grid solar system encompass solar panel manufacturing, a charge controller, a storage battery, mounting structures, and an inverter.

The solar panels diligently harvest solar energy during daylight, while the storage battery assumes the responsibility of accumulating surplus energy to facilitate the operation of electrical appliances during nighttime hours.

When deciding which type of solar system is right for you, you must carefully consider your specific needs and circumstances. For example, if you live in an area with frequent power outages, an off-grid or hybrid solar system is an excellent choice to ensure a reliable source of electricity. On the other hand, if you want to partially reduce your carbon footprint and save some money on your electricity, an on-grid solar power system could be a solid choice. It may allow you to participate in net metering and can also be more secure in a location that has a reliable electricity infrastructure and doesn’t get much peak sunlight.

What Are the Differences Between On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar System.

When deciding which type of solar system is right for you, you must carefully consider your specific needs and circumstances. For example, if you live in an area with frequent power outages, an off-grid or hybrid solar system is an excellent choice to ensure a reliable source of electricity. On the other hand, if you want to partially reduce your carbon footprint and save some money on your electricity, an on-grid solar power system could be a solid choice. It may allow you to participate in net metering and can also be more secure in a location that has a reliable electricity infrastructure and doesn’t get much peak sunlight.

Ability to Access Grid Power

Grid-tied homes don’t need to rely exclusively on solar energy. During extended periods of cloudy weather, off-grid systems have the potential to run out of power. On-grid homes can always draw electricity from the utility company as needed.

Excess Production

On-grid systems can pay dividends when the system produces power in excess of your needs. If your utility company supports net metering, sending excess energy back to the grid can make you money. You will typically receive credits on your electric bill for the energy you contribute back to the grid.

Power Outages

Off-grid solar systems provide peace of mind to homeowners who live in areas with a history of power outages or extreme weather. They can continue to have access to electricity even when the grid goes down.

Electric Bills

Another advantage of off-grid solar systems is that you do not have to pay electric bills as long as you produce your own power. Eliminating electric bills can be a significant cost saving for homeowners, especially in areas with high electricity rates. You can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars annually by producing your own electricity.

Overall Cost

While you will not have to pay electric bills with an off-grid system, they require a significant upfront investment. Luckily, there are many government programs and tax incentives to help defray the initial costs.

Off-grid systems with LFP batteries require little to no maintenance, and solar panels routinely last over 25 years without needing to be replaced. If you’re in it for the long haul, off-grid solar can be an excellent investment—especially as the price of traditional electricity sources like fossil fuels continues to rise.


On-grid and off-grid solar systems are viable options for homeowners looking to incorporate solar into their energy mix.

On-grid solar systems may allow you to participate in net metering and save some money on your electric bills.

Off-grid solar systems offer complete energy independence from aging infrastructure and protection against power outages.

Solarurjaa has a variety of solar products to fit anyone’s needs.


Read More-How To Heat a Greenhouse With Solar Panels?


Solar panels from Solarurjaa Solar are durable enough to withstand hurricane-force winds, large hail and heavy rain.

Solar panel manufacturers make their systems as tough as possible because they’re constantly exposed to the elements. Solar panels are durable enough to withstand a hurricane, among other rough conditions.

The good news is that you generally don’t have to worry about hurricane winds, rain or hail ruining or damaging your solar panels because they’re built to be resilient. But you’ll need to take some precautions before any tropical storms hit.

How Durable Are Solar Panels?

Solar panels might seem fragile because some are made of glass, but high-quality, thick tempered glass is actually quite strong.

However, solar panels made of monocrystalline silicon are much more common and more durable overall. Monocrystalline silicon is made by melting pure silicon and forming it into bars, then cutting it into wafers. The purer the silicon is, the more efficient your solar panels are.

Manufacturers also rigorously test their products and pursue third-party verification to ensure their solar panels can withstand a hurricane and its worst conditions, including high-force winds, large hail and heavy rain.

Effects of Hurricane Weather on Solar Panels

Effects of Rain on Solar Panels

Rain has no real negative effect on solar panel systems. Solar panels and their connectors are durable and waterproof. You won’t have to worry about them falling apart when the rain starts pouring down.

In fact, the residual rain droplets on your panels can have a positive effect on energy generation. Water is reflective, so those droplets attract light and boost energy generation when the sun reemerges after a rainstorm.

Rain is also helpful in washing away dirt and debris from solar panels. This keeps them clean for absorbing ample sunlight.

Effects of Wind on Solar Panels

Most solar panels can handle wind speeds of up to 2,400 pascals, which equals 140 miles per hour (mph). The best manufacturers engineer solar panel systems with local wind patterns in mind.

The average sustained wind speed for Category 3 hurricanes is between 111 and 129 mph. Nevertheless, your solar panel system should have no trouble combating these strong winds and can withstand a hurricane.

Effects of Hail on Solar Panels

Contrary to what most people might think, solar panels are resistant to some of the hardest, biggest hailstones. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory studied 50,000 solar panel installations between 2009 and 2013 and found that only .1% of all systems reported module damage or underperformance each year.

Do Solar Panels and Batteries Work During Hurricanes?

Solar panels can still generate energy despite the intense rain and clouds that hurricanes bring. Your home solar installation can absorb sunlight and produce electricity as long as sunlight hits them directly or indirectly.

However, hurricanes often damage grid lines, which results in power outages. Certain states (such as Florida) require solar panel owners to connect to the grid. If an outage occurs, all solar systems must halt power generation for the safety of electricians working to restore the grid.

How to Prepare Your Solar Panels for a Hurricane

You’ll probably hear from your local weather station if a hurricane is on the way.

It’s unnecessary to (and doesn’t make sense to) remove solar panels from the ground, a wall or your roof, especially because they help protect your roof from potential storm damage.

Make sure to document the condition of your solar panel system before a hurricane strikes in case you have any damage. Solar panels are just as much of a financial investment as other assets. Having proof will help your case when seeking insurance coverage.

Having both hard and digital photocopies is wise if you need to give your provider documents. Most solar warranty plans cover your system’s equipment, labor and repair or maintenance due to damage, loss or theft over a 25-year period.

How to Inspect Your Solar Panels After a Hurricane

You should always inspect your solar panel system for damage once a hurricane has passed. However, roof solar panels aren’t as easy to assess as wall or ground-mounted solar panels. Make sure to contact a solar panel service and maintenance department for a solar repair request.

Photograph any damage, whether you’re doing the inspection yourself or asking a solar specialist to help you. Make sure to avoid any exposed or displaced wires. The system could be energized with current and potentially harm you.

Read More-How To Heat a Greenhouse With Solar Panels?

Read More-Top 5 Benefits Of Solar Power For Businesses In India

How To Heat a Greenhouse With Solar Panels

If you have or want to build a greenhouse and are considering heating it to grow food all year round, solar panels, also called photovoltaics or PVs, are the way to go. Solar energy is perfect for greenhouses since you’ll already have your greenhouse in an area with optimum sunlight. 

Solar energy is clean and green, so you can enjoy a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables even in winter without having to have them trucked in from tropical climates at significant environmental cost.

Let’s take a look at how to heat a greenhouse with photovoltaics.

How Do Solar Panels Work for a Greenhouse?

On or Off-Grid?

First, you must decide if your greenhouse is on the grid (connected to a utility company’s electricity) or off-grid. If your system is off-grid, it means you’ll need a solar generator system complete with battery storage so that you can store the excess energy your photovoltaics produce during the day when the sun is shining.

Then, it can be used at night or during bad weather when your panels are not generating enough power on their own. Staying on-grid means you don’t need to spend the extra money on batteries; you can just buy the photovoltaics.

The drawback of a grid-tied system without battery backup is that you’ll be at the whims of the grid if the power goes out, which could cost you dearly in the winter. No matter your choice, your energy will still be mostly or completely powered by the sun, helping combat climate change while also saving money on your electricity bill.

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need for a Greenhouse?

How many photovoltaics you need depends entirely on your energy usage. You can calculate your energy usage by adding up the watts from each piece of equipment you’ll be using. If you already have a heater, check the wattage.

If you haven’t yet set up your system, how much heating you need will depend on the square footage of your greenhouse and how well it holds heat. A small greenhouse may only need a single 400W solar panel to heat it, while larger greenhouses will need several.

Also, remember to include things like lighting and pumps for your automatic irrigation systems. The watts needed for these will need to be added to your total to determine how many panels you need.

The number of panels you need will also depend on the rated power of your photovoltaics, their efficiency rating, your exposure, trees that may shade them, and other local environmental factors like the number of peak sun hours.

How to Heat a Greenhouse With Solar Panels

1. Plan Panel Placement and System Components

To choose the best photovoltaic system for your greenhouse, consider what you need and where your components will be installed.

For instance, how much space do you have on your greenhouse roof, and will that roof support the weight? You also need to consider where the sun shines since you want to put your PVs facing the sun to get the most out of them.

For those living in very hot climates, ensure you have a gap beneath your panels to allow for airflow to help dissipate the temperature; you may even want to face them east or west instead of south since very high temperatures will reduce your efficiency and overall lifespan of your panels.

2. Gather the Required Tools and Components

Order your photovoltaics, battery storage if you’re going off-grid, and any additional tools you’ll need, including wires, screwdrivers, and mounting system components, which will vary with the type of set-up you use.

3. Install and Connect the Panels

Install your brackets or mounting system first, then attach your panels. Next, you need to connect all of your panels together in series.

4. Install the Solar Battery and Inverter

Use a solar battery like that in Solar Generators. They’ll already have a built-in inverter that converts the DC electricity produced by your solar panels and stores it in your battery into the AC electricity that appliances like heaters use. All you need to do is connect your panels to your battery system.

5. Install and Connect Your Heater And Other Devices

Depending on your system, you can plug your heater into your solar battery or into the greenhouse’s electrical system. You can even tie it all into a thermostat for easy automatic temperature control. Also, don’t forget to connect any lights, pumps, or other components to your system.

Benefits of Using Solar Panels to Heat a Greenhouse

Grow Warm Season Food in Cold Climates 

Using solar panels to heat your greenhouse, you can grow more warm-season crops like tomatoes and peppers in cold climates without contributing to climate change.

Save Money on Electricity

Even though installing photovoltaics requires an upfront investment, once installed and you reach the solar payback period, your energy is completely free when you achieve a return on your investment.

Energy Independence – No More Irrigation Power Outages

When you build your system with a battery, you’ll never have to worry about power outages again. This could be critical if the grid goes down in winter and your plants freeze without power. The same problem could happen in summer if you depend on air conditioners to keep the temperature tolerable for your plants.

Easy Installation and Low Maintenance

Photovoltaics are relatively easy to install, and the best part is that once they’re installed, they require virtually no maintenance. Depending on your climate and other local conditions, you may need to rinse the panels off once or twice a year to remove dust and debris.

Quiet Operation

The days of noisy, smelly fossil-fuel generators are a thing of the past. When you use solar generators instead, you can enjoy super-quiet operation. The loudest thing will be your heater, which will be inside your greenhouse, so there’s no need to worry about noise anymore.

Read More-Top 5 Benefits Of Solar Power For Businesses In India

Read More-Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme

Top 5 Benefits Of Solar Power For Businesses In India

With the growing demand for energy and the increasing cost of non-renewable sources of energy, businesses in India are looking for ways to reduce their energy bills and become more energy-efficient. One of the most viable options for businesses is solar energy power. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of solar power for businesses.

1. Lower energy costs:

One of the most significant benefits of solar power for businesses in India is its potential to lower energy costs. India has a growing demand for energy, and the cost of non-renewable sources of energy is increasing. By investing in solar energy, businesses can generate their electricity, which can significantly reduce their energy bills. Solar power is a one-time investment that offers long-term returns by reducing energy costs.

2. Reduced dependence on non-renewable sources of energy:

India has a limited reserve of non-renewable sources of energy, and the country is heavily dependent on imports to meet its energy needs. Solar power can reduce India’s dependence on non-renewable sources of energy, which can help reduce the country’s energy import bill. By generating their electricity, businesses can contribute to the country’s energy independence and reduce their carbon footprint.

3. Improved energy security:

Investing in solar power can also help businesses improve their energy security. Solar power is a reliable source of energy that can provide electricity even during power outages. In India, power outages are common, especially in rural areas. By investing in solar power, businesses can ensure an uninterrupted power supply, which can help them operate smoothly and efficiently.


4. Reduces the operating costs of your organization

Solar power is a good investment for your business, as it reduces operating costs by saving you money on energy expenses. If you are looking to reduce electricity costs and make efficient use of resources, then solar power could be the answer.

A large percentage of your monthly expenses goes towards paying for electricity bills, so if you can lower those costs by installing solar panels at your workplace or home office then this will go towards reducing other expenses like staff wages or rent payments as well as insurance premiums (if applicable).

5. Government incentives/tax benefits:

The Indian government has been promoting solar power through various policies and incentives. The government offers tax benefits for commercial and industrial solar power systems. Additionally, businesses can claim accelerated depreciation on solar power systems, which can significantly reduce their tax liability. The government also offers net metering policies, which allow businesses to sell excess electricity generated from their solar power systems back to the grid.

Read More-Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme

Read More-Factors Influencing Home Solar Panel System Installation Costs

Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme – A 360° View

Pradhan Mantri Suryoday Yojana was announced by PM Modi to extend solar energy access to households nationwide. On February 13th, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the renaming of the government’s updated rooftop solar scheme to ‘PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana‘.

Aimed at providing up to 300 units of free electricity every month to 1 crore households, this initiative with an investment of over ₹75,000 crores, aims to promote the widespread adoption of solar power. Through subsidies provided for eligible solar projects, more individuals will have the opportunity to install solar rooftop systems on their own homes, subsequently decreasing their electricity expenses.

Solar Rooftop Subsidy Benefits to Homeowners

A solar subsidy is a financial incentive the government provides to individuals or organisations to encourage the adoption of solar energy by making it more affordable and accessible to a wider range of people, businesses, and communities. By offsetting some of the initial investment required for installing solar panels, subsidies help more people to switch from traditional coal-based to renewable energy.

Central Financial Assistance (CFA) Under PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojna

Under the ‘PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana’, the government is offering substantial subsidies to incentivize the adoption of solar energy. For systems up to 2 kW, a generous subsidy of Rs. 30,000 per kilowatt (kW) is provided, while additional capacity up to 3 kW is eligible for a subsidy of Rs. 18,000 per kW.

Even for larger systems exceeding 3 kW, the total subsidy is capped at a considerable Rs. 78,000. These increased subsidy rates make it more accessible for homeowners to invest in renewable energy solutions, paving the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

The following table illustrates the subsidy amounts for various KW solar installations:

Average Monthly Electricity Consumption (units) Suitable Rooftop Solar Plant Capacity  Subsidy Support 
0-150 1 – 2 kW Rs 30,000 to Rs 60,000/
150-300 2 – 3 kW Rs 60,000 to Rs 78,000/
>300 Above 3 kW Rs 78,000/-

Where To Apply for Solar Rooftop Subsidy?

Anyone living in any part of India can use the National Portal ) to apply for a Rooftop Solar System installation under PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojna and receive financial support directly in their bank account. The portal also gives information about subsidy programs, rewards, and other advantages available under this scheme. This makes it more convenient for households to apply for and get the subsidy they are eligible for.

Eligibility Criteria For Availing Solar Subsidy 

To qualify for participation in the PM – Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana in 2024, individuals must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Hold permanent citizenship of India.
  • Attain the age of 18 or above.
  • Own a residential property.
  • A valid electricity connection is mandatory for the household.
  • Householders must possess the required documentation.
  • Aadhaar linked to bank accounts is highly mandatory.
  • The household must not have previously received any other subsidies for solar panels.

Documents Required to Apply For Solar Subsidy On National Portal

The essential documentation needed for eligible residents of the country to complete the online registration for the Solar Rooftop Scheme includes:

  • Aadhar card
  • Proof of address
  • Identification card
  • Household ration card (if applicable)
  • Income certificate
  • Bank passbook
  • Mobile number
  • Passport-sized photograph
  • Utility bill for energy consumption

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